Summer Camp
High School Leadership
Camp Kingfisher is a north Atlanta tradition, offering summers of fun in nature for over 30 years!

A Chattahoochee Nature Center tradition since 1993, Camp Kingfisher has provided an unforgettable and fun camp experience to thousands of children and young adults. Part traditional outdoor camp and part hands-on nature education, Camp Kingfisher offers something for everyone. Our goal is to provide a welcoming environment where campers connect to nature and each other.
A true outdoor nature camp – it’s what summer should be! Outdoor adventuring and learning abounds on CNC’s 127 incredible acres during the summer. We hike, swim, see wildlife, canoe, investigate, craft, experiment, and more.
Caring, enthusiastic counselors make camp great! Staff at Camp Kingfisher are passionate about childcare, the outdoors, and the camp’s mission. The staff community consists of around 55 counselors, canoe instructors, lifeguards, and camp area specialists every summer.