Pervious Pavers Installed in CNC Parking Lot
Required as a component of stormwater management for our permit with the City of Roswell, approximately 5,500 square feet of pervious pavers were installed in three locations in the Chattahoochee Nature Center parking lot. They were installed in the parking lot because the required stormwater management for the boardwalk replacement could not be provided near the boardwalk, within the floodplain of the river.
The pavers were manufactured by Belgard, and their interlocking design allows stormwater to percolate between the pavers, into the bed of graded stone beneath. The graded and compacted stone beneath the pavers provides structural support for vehicle traffic, yet functions as a percolation bed, containing the stormwater and then allowing it to percolate through the soil beneath when the rain has ended. Below is a diagram showing the installation pattern of a section of pervious pavers.
The pervious pavers provide a more natural water balance and prevent runoff. Plants growing in between the pavers can reduce pollutants and by slowing down the process it allows the runoff to cool before entering the wetlands and river which reduces the stress on those environments. Check out the pervious pavers next time you visit!